Feeling overwhelmed.

March 18,

Walking through the village this week I have been so heavy hearted on the subject of sin. Living here and being part of a “Community” just makes you very aware of all that goes on. Their sin is very outward and ours (westerners) is very inwards. They will fist fight and fornicate right under your nose, where as in our culture, we murder and lust in our hearts. Everything is always done in secret and hidden while in a village setting everyone knows what everyone is doing.

2 Samuel 22:29 For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness.

One of the Moka women was diagnosed with TB in town many months ago. She returned to our village with a very big story of how she lost the medicine she received for it and was pretty much saying she would rather be in her village then seek more help. She looked like she belonged in a concentration camp. I have never seen anyone look the way she looks. I have been asking her husband why no one has taken her to the hospital to get treatment…but compassion for one another lacks among these people. He says he is waiting on a transport. This is bologna they all have transportation, for every family has a canoe and every family has paddled to the town one time or another. The problem is that it is going to be a hard week to row to the hospital. They would rather “wait” for some random boat that might take them to the hospital than take action for the life of another. I was just very upset about this, I too don’t have the transport, nor am able to be the answer to all their problems. Human life is looked at a lot differently than how I see it. I believe that is from decades of no gospel and being at the mercy of Satan. It is a very dark place to be. I was able to radio my in laws (they are in another village in PNG) and talk to them about this feeling. This feeling of defeat from Satan the feeling that they don’t care, the feeling that you can’t help them. They reassured me that they too have dealt with these hardships, explaining not to get discouraged and just keep witnessing to them. As we spoke my mother in law reminded me our our learnings from the nurse course we took when home in the states. She reminded me that AIDS and TB go together, I don’t have an Aids test but all of her symptoms point to that. If she is really dying of AIDS and TB there is nothing more we can do but just visit her and continue to tell her of CHRIST. This is the raw life in the village and darkness has a hold on them. Please continue to partner with us in prayer for this darkness to be lifted, and that the Holy Spirit will enter in and work in the souls of these people.