last post till DEC.

July 30, 2023

I have been yearning for some good American food. You know pizza, hamburger, hotdogs and a milk shake!

We are in the rainy season it’s always a little bit more depressing because of all the rain. When the sun does show its face I’m sure to get everyone outside and catch a few rays because the vitamin “D” will do us all good.

As we continue to teach the people Gods Word, we have had some great conversations about Christ, Christianity and what it means. David and his two sons came to our house for dinner on Wed, we ate on the porch and I made white Chili… I made enough to have left overs, but being they don’t get food with a ton of flavor, the pot was empty by the end of the night. It made my heart glad. David asked questions about baptism, we also brought up that being a follower of Christ would set him apart from all of the people here, he said he wasn’t afraid of that since he is like an outcast already. It made me think of how Jesus was accepted more by the outcasts in the Bible because they had already been rejected, where as the rich man could not give up all he had to follow him.

Please continue to pray for David, that God would save him!

This is DAVID, his brother is in the background, and these are his two sons.

Aug 13

I just finished reading this book (it’s an easy read!) I couldn’t believe how parallel our lives are.

“Poking holes in the Darkness” BY JAKI PARLIER

I highly recommend this book about a missionary woman and her family in PNG durning the 1960-80’s she is an Italian from New Jersey which reminds me of myself!

This book is a great eye opener to those of you who do not live in PNG with the demonic force. Demons are everywhere and know how to capture their people in each culture. Here in PNG it’s all about the spirit world and how their “customs” control them. A while back I wrote a blog about Elsi dealing with a demon and how it really didn’t phase her that it would go into her periodically. This week we heard our village all screaming and shining lights on the river around 8 pm one night… we watched the parade of villagers walk towards the other end of the village. The next day we asked what that was all about and we’re told, this one young guy who always has a spirit with him went to the bush and was doing his work there ( gardening, fishing, chopping wood) when his new wife was upset or annoyed at the spirit so called out it’s name which from what I understand it started to fight the both of them ( makes me think it was wrestling with them) by the time night came they were exhausted and went calling out to the village to help them. They were across the river and what we saw was the village going out to help them get back. I am sure we are missing many parts to this story because they won’t tell it all to us.

What I have learned throughout my years here as well as in the states is that demons gain control by you speaking their names. I never played the ouija board but have heard about it from other people and they would say that the spirit would always spell out its name so then once you called it by name it gained power, I find that extremely similar to this situation here. We need to be aware of the the spirit world. IT DOES EXSIST! Christian, guard yourself from these things and have your armor on!

“For we do on wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over the present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

- Eph 6:12

Please pray with us for these things. We are planning on returning to our village Sept 28,2023

  • That the Lord would prevail over the darkness

  • Many would come to hear his word preached


  • the airstrip would be finished by the new year

  • Health and safety for our family

  • that we would have Joy wherever the Lord has us.

“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”-JOHN 15:11